Eclipse Helios Subversion Installation

The following steps were taken from the Polarion website.

Starting from version 0.7.8.I20090808-1900 you can install just Subversive SVN Team Provider (without installing SVN Connectors from another update site) and the new Connector Discovery feature helps you find and install right versions of SVN Connectors. However, you can optionally use the update sites below to get them.

Subversive Update Site is a part of Helios Update Site. To install:


After using Subversive for some weeks now, I finally removed it from my eclipse installation. It might have been my own fault or the PDT php plugin failed for some reason, but merging .php files almost never worked automatically as with Subclipse and my Java files. I definitely don’t wont to merge files manually, when in fact they aren’t conflicting in any serious way, i.e. when developer1 adds some code at the top and developer2 adds something at the bottom. That really shouldn’t be a problem. Also I didn’t like the menu structure of the Subversive plugin, as there seemed to be some unnecessary built-in extra clicks. So my personal recommendation is to stay with the Subclipse SVN plugin. Remember that you also have to install a SVN client such as JavaHL (which is said to be faster than SVNkit). You can get both plugins from their respective eclipse update site: